Bluu Inc. 에서 함께 일하실 Branch Manager, POS Technician을 구인합니다

 조회수: 3,878
Bluu Inc.
• Location:
Los Angeles
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Human Resources
• 고용정보:
직원수 15명 이상

Branch Manager – Los Angeles, CA office, Lynwood, WA office
주요 업무:
- Recruit and onboard new Direct Sales members.
- Provide minor ISO support as needed
- Implement a system for tracking the progress of tasks and reporting outcomes
- Create a strategic plan with clear objectives and conduct daily performance reviews.
- Efficiently manage personal and team time to meet deadlines.
- Attend national trade shows related to Direct Sales.
- Address all member issues or concerns effectively.
- Maintain confidentiality of internal information.
자격 조건:
- 미국내 합법적으로 일을 하실 수 있는 분
- 영어와 한국어에 능통하신 분
- 3년 이상 오피스 매니저 경험이 있으신 분
Salary Range: $55,000 - $65,000/ yr plus incentive

POS Technician – Las Vegas, NV office
주요 업무:
- Provide phone support; Document all merchant and reseller/agent issues; Resolve all outstanding issues as quickly as possible
- Prepare/stage POS hardware and software for deployment
- Maintain POS department equipment and tools
- Perform hardware repairs as required, both in-house and in the field - Test, evaluate, and document all software/hardware issues
- Provide training to associates, merchants, and resellers - Install and configure software, hardware, cables/wiring, and networks

자격 조건:
- 미국내 합법적으로 일을 하실 수 있는 분
- 영어와 한국어에 능통하신 분
- 운전 가능하신 분
- POS/PC Support 경험있으신 분 우대
- CompTIA A+ Certification 있으신 분 우대
Hourly Rate Range: $20 - $28/DOE

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