라디오코리아 창사 32주년 특별 이벤트

32년간 받은 사랑, 이제 우리가 돌려드릴 차례입니다.

"한 장의 행복"

사연 보기

"Thanks Radio Korea!"

Alyssa Kim 님의 사연
<체크수령 인증사진>
Alyssa Kim 님 사연 당첨을 축하 드립니다!
My name is Alyssa.
I immigrated to the states from S.Korea when I was in 5th grade.

Throughout my childhood, I struggled with my identity as a Korean-American,
identifying with and attached to both cultures.
With efforts to keep up with this duality I always found myself wanting to relate
to those around me on a deeper level.

But when I went off to college, my effort to keeping up with Korean slowly faded.
I went to college about 2 hours away from home and
when my dad came to pick me up on the weekends,
he would blast staticky radio Korea station while waiting for me.
I felt so embarrassed. I hated it.
And this radio station always advertised business or tried to sell things.
I was not interested and I just didn\'t understand why my dad always listens to such station.

But after listening to radio Korea for about 4 years on my ride back home,
I actually look forward to baseball season.
I used to be a huge fan of Dodgers Ryu and
I think it\'s so funny to listen to baseball broadcast in Korean.
I didn\'t understand it completely but it has definitely started many conversations with my dad.

Now I understand why my dad always listens to radio Korea
and whenever I get into his car, my immediate action isn\'t to change
the radio station anymore.

Through Radio Korea, my Korean has gotten a lot better and
I love hearing other people\'s stories and listening throwback kpop songs.

이제는 한국말도 잘 쓰고 읽고 라디오 코리아 홈페이지도 매일 방문합니다.
얼마전에는 라디오 코리아 홈페이지에 올라온
디자인 contest에 신청하여 1등 당첨도되었습니다.

라디오 코리아 감사합니다! 32주년 축하해요!