Dream It - Driving on the Edge 'Joon Maeng' 2
조회 2,341 | 06.21.2011  

Dream It - You are the Next Generation에서는 미국 메인스트림에서 활발하게 활동하며 한국인의 위상을 높이고 있는 '젊은' 한인 1.5세, 2세들의 생생한 삶을 다룬 다큐멘터리를 제작하고자 한다.
또한 이번 다큐멘터리를 통해 미국 현지에서 프로그램을 시청하는 재미동포들에게는 자긍심을, 타민족들에게는 한국인의 존재감을 확인시키고자 한다. 더불어 세계 속의 한국인으로 당당하게 나아가기 위해 국민과 재외동포가 해야 할 일은 무엇인지, 그 소통의 장도 마련해본다.

Joon Maeng is the only Korean pro drifter in the US. He made his name known by participating in drift competitions without a sponsor until last year. After much trial and error he finished 7 races in 2009 and he finished an impressive 17th place overall. In Atlanta last May, he reached the semi-finals, and his name appeared many times in the top 16. Compared to famous racer Rhys Millen who placed 19 last season, Maeng who was without a sponsor last year accomplished significant results.

Drifting is a driving technique where the driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction through turns, so that the car glides along the road. Drifting competitions are held around the world and they are the most exciting spectacles for the audience. Joon Maeng says that drifting can be defined as "fun itself" and that he can not live without it.

In order to continue drifting, Joon Maeng manages a restaurant and works as an English tutor. This is because it is costly to participate in various races and repair his vehicle. Last year, he slept in trucks and lived on instant noodles as he raced at the Formula Drift Series.

Finally in 2010 Joon Maeng earned sponsors and is now supported by Bergenholtz Racing. He is driving the Mazda RX-8 this season. The Bergenholtz Racing team receives great results every year in various motor sports including the Formula Drift and Drag racing. We follow Maeng on his great journey to the 2010 Formula Drift from preparations to the race.


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