Dream It - Cutting Edge of Automobile Designs 'Korean Car Designers' 1
조회 1,860 | 06.21.2011  

Dream It - You are the Next Generation에서는 미국 메인스트림에서 활발하게 활동하며 한국인의 위상을 높이고 있는 '젊은' 한인 1.5세, 2세들의 생생한 삶을 다룬 다큐멘터리를 제작하고자 한다.
또한 이번 다큐멘터리를 통해 미국 현지에서 프로그램을 시청하는 재미동포들에게는 자긍심을, 타민족들에게는 한국인의 존재감을 확인시키고자 한다. 더불어 세계 속의 한국인으로 당당하게 나아가기 위해 국민과 재외동포가 해야 할 일은 무엇인지, 그 소통의 장도 마련해본다.

"The future of automotive design lies in the hands of the Koreans!"

Seduction! Challenges and innovation!
All the great expectations of the future automotive industry are becoming a reality. The world economic crisis continues on but automobile brands around the world are focused on creating futuristic designs. The Korean Wave has hit yet another industry, the world of automotive design.

Jae S. Min is the Chief Designer of the Volkswagon Group of America. For the past 12 years, he has been on the design team for the VW Group, Audi America. He worked on the Audi concept car that was featured in last year's LA Auto Show, and his designs for the Audi SUV, the A6 and A4 received much attention. We met the designer in January at the North American International Auto Show held in detroit.

Designer Sean Lo played a major role in GM's new 2010 Buick LaCrosse. The new design is receiving rave reviews for its dynamic exterior and sophisticated interior. The 2010 Buick has opened a new chapter in the history of the brand, and we reveal its story through Lo, who participated in the overall production of the new LaCrosse from building the brand to establishing new marketing strategies.

Professor Bum-suk Lim perfects the Korean Wave in the automotive design world at the Art Center College of Design in California. Lim studied Transportation Design at the ACCD and now teaches at his alma mater. He was formerly with Honda Advance Design Studio-WAVE in Tokyo, Japan and he runs his own private studio in California. He has taught countless designers working for major automobile brands around the world.


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Dream It - Cutting Edge of Automobile Designs 'Korean Car Designers' 1
날짜: 06.21.2011    조회: 1,861
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