Dream It - Ben Huh, CEO of I Can Has Cheezburger Web Empire
조회 14,091 | 07.21.2011  

Dream It - You are the Next Generation에서는 미국 메인스트림에서 활발하게 활동하며 한국인의 위상을 높이고 있는 '젊은' 한인 1.5세, 2세들의 생생한 삶을 다룬 다큐멘터리를 제작하고자 한다.
또한 이번 다큐멘터리를 통해 미국 현지에서 프로그램을 시청하는 재미동포들에게는 자긍심을, 타민족들에게는 한국인의 존재감을 확인시키고자 한다. 더불어 세계 속의 한국인으로 당당하게 나아가기 위해 국민과 재외동포가 해야 할 일은 무엇인지, 그 소통의 장도 마련해본다.

"My vision is to create a healthy dessert as natural as possible!"

Employees who receive orders put mixed powder in a pan and start hitting the ice-cream. Customers are fascinated by the scene. This is ICE PAN ice-cream.
The healthy ice-cream brand Ice Pan will open stores in Las Vegas following the one in Harrah's Hotel in Las Vegas. Ice Pan has made contracts with Rio Las Vegas and is planning to open stores in Caesar's Palace, the Flamingo, Paris, Bally's, Planet Hollywood, Imperial Palace and Bill's Gamblin' Hall. Ice Pan's innovative concept, trustworthy brand image and passionate CEO Andy Sul has all the mainstream hotels interested in opening Ice Pan stores.
CEO Andy Sul has experimented with thousands of recipes to make each kind of ice-cream on the menu. He sleeps 4 hours a night, working 16 hours everyday, pouring his passion and energy into his brand. The first Ice Pan store was opened on January 21, 2008 in LA. Ice pan's goal is to serve the best and healthiest dessert for their customers to enjoy.

IcePan advanced into the overseas market since the first store opened in 2008. Japan is the first asian country that opened Ice Pan stores in Tokyo and Tatebayashi. 8 additional stores will be opened in the month of May and June. Ice Pan has established a supply company and continues to focus on quality and development research. An unsweetened and healthy ice-cream for diabetics are also being researched.
CEO Andy Sul mentions that his passion for Ice Pan rises in proportion with all the trial and error he went through in the past.


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