Dream It - Delivering the Daily Life through Music 2
조회 1,809 | 06.21.2011  

Dream It - You are the Next Generation에서는 미국 메인스트림에서 활발하게 활동하며 한국인의 위상을 높이고 있는 '젊은' 한인 1.5세, 2세들의 생생한 삶을 다룬 다큐멘터리를 제작하고자 한다.
또한 이번 다큐멘터리를 통해 미국 현지에서 프로그램을 시청하는 재미동포들에게는 자긍심을, 타민족들에게는 한국인의 존재감을 확인시키고자 한다. 더불어 세계 속의 한국인으로 당당하게 나아가기 위해 국민과 재외동포가 해야 할 일은 무엇인지, 그 소통의 장도 마련해본다.

It was only an acoustic guitar and a short video clip that David Choi needed to make headlines. Through a UCC clip, where he sang anoriginal composition Youtube(love song), David Choi started to draw attention from numerous on-line fans all over the globe. As hisfirst video gained recognition, his other video clips subsequently also became big hits.

That success eventually enabled him to release his first album "Only You". He recently completed a tour in six major cities in the U.S., in hopes of expanding his fan base.

His musical talent turns out to have originated from his father and grandmother who manufacture, as well as play, an instrument called the "autoharp." On our program, he performs with his father for public for the first time ever.
Hear the story of David Choi's musical journey and his upcoming album on this week's Dream It!

Meet a promising indie Musician, Mia Kim! She's a musician with a huge fan base, who delivers her daily experiences and feelings through her music. Although she already has numerous fans, she continues to introduce her music to a broader range of listeners.

Mia mainly performs in small venues. She particularly loves live music, and the energy and liveliness of her voice makes listeners wonder, 'where does this performer get her inspiration?'

We introduce Mia Kim's special world of art in this week's Dream It. Join us and meet this confident Korean-American woman, who is sharing her very own style of music with the world!


Dream It - Delivering the Daily Life through Music 2
날짜: 06.21.2011    조회: 1,810
Dream It - Delivering the Daily Life through Music 1
날짜: 06.21.2011    조회: 2,019
Dream It - The Guardian Angels of L.A. 'Charles Joh'
날짜: 06.21.2011    조회: 1,861
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